words: content/no-content, reflections, soundtoys, generative, reactive, interactive, image sound objects, randomness, sound environment generator, algorythmn surgery, preloaders
Content-Type: // No-Content:Pre_loaders//:
Reflexiones acerca del contenido/no-contenido: una galeria aleatoria de preloaders anuncia la carga de datos del sitio Es, a la vez, una investigación estética sobre la creación de objetos gráfico-sonoros reactivos al usuario, dentro de la acotación que implica trabajar con el mínimo de bytes posibles. La versión offline [CD-ROM] refuerza la ironía implícita: el contenido en realidad es la precarga anunciada -para nada necesaria en este formato- de un no-contenido.
Content-Type: // No-Content:Pre_loaders//:
Reflection-concept about content/no-content: A random gallery of preloaders that announces the data-loading of the site It is, simultaneously, an aesthetic investigation on the creation of reactive-interactive objects and random audio surroundings, within the boundaries of minimum bytes possible.
Preloader: A Flash term.
Many Flash movies are very large and take a long time to load.
So rather than make the visitor wait ... and wait... the author creates a small Flash movie that loads very quickly. This small movie calls the main one but meanwhile it shows a progress bar or animation to let the visitor see how much of the main movie has loaded so far.
This small movie is called the 'preloader'
- - - - -
internal architecture of no-content site (Mackern, 2002)
Some reviews>
"The website plays with one of the forms that may disappear before too long, that of pre-loaders. These flash animations that were displayed to entertain the user while the main content was loading should be small enough to be seen right away by those with slow connections, and yet also entertaining so as to keep them from browsing away.
In the case of Mackern's project, the wait is infinite as each pre-loader is replaced by another. We interact with the animation until it is substituted by another, and so on, until we finally realize that there is no content or, better yet, that what we are seeing and enjoying is the content.
The piece makes us reflect on waiting, contemplation and utility. What would happen if we put our critical nature aside and forgot for a moment that flowers are designed to attract insects, and gave in to gazing at its useless beauty?"
Gustavo Romano for Netescopio
"Da un po’ di anni nei festival cinematografici si attribuiscono premi anche alle sequenze dei titoli di testa più creativi, e quindi non deve stupire che dei net artisti concentrino il loro lavoro su quello che è il corrispondente per le animazioni in flash, e cioè quello che viene mostrato durante la fase di download. è programmato dall’uruguaiano Brian Mackern, net artista da diversi anni, e mette insieme una galleria in ordine casuale, con un soundtrack ambientale godibile, di cosiddetti ‘preloaders’, annuncianti l’imminente arrivo dei contenuti del sito ‘’, appunto, che, come Godot, non arriveranno mai."
Neural IT, 7 Marzo 2002
This piece was a runner up artwork at the online contest
Virose and V_2 Contest, Ligações/Links/Liaisons
Porto, Portugal, 2001.